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True Team Diversity is a Dynamic and Complex Set of Categories

​Learning About Diversity Dimensions

  • Diversity extends well beyond one's culture. Each person brings dimensions of depth that can positively manifest itself in virtual team interactions.

  • New knowledge is obtained from external or diverse outlets and sources that are (so far) unknown. When allowed to explore these varieties of diverse sources, we open ourselves and become receptive to learn through exposure and knowledge-sharing.

  • Cross-functional training may yield greater learning from both heterogeneous and homogeneous team members. Learning comes from exposure to the unknown versus having processes that keep learning within the same group.

Diversity Dimensions Wheel.png

Diversity Dimension


Primary Tier

Area of highest sensitivity where we are most likely to feel judged or others may carry preconceived notions based on characteristics in this tier.

Secondary Tier

While there is a degree of control over some characteristics, they may change over time and  we can choose to inform others so that we feel less sensitive about them.

Third Tier

These become identifiers in work settings and may affect how (and IF) we interact with one another, and even the value placed on another's ideas and thoughts.

Photo Credits: . Licensed under: Gardenswartz & Rowe, Diverse Teams at Work (2nd Edition, SHRM, 2003). *Internal Dimensions and External Dimensions are adapted from Marilyn Loden and Judy Rosener

Practical Applications

  • Dimensions of diversity may be practical when engaging is soft skills such as brainstorming session, conflict resolution, negotiating and communicating on different levels.

  • Hard skills such as exploring technological advances relating to telecommunication software, learning to operate in multiuser synchronous and asynchronous environments

  • As trends continue towards a world of virtual global leadership, so shall educational institutions teach students of all diversity dimensions. The drive would be to expose students on the purpose, practical use and use of technologies, making them marketable and further blazing new paths and trends: being there without physically having to be there.

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